Thursday, April 1, 2010


This is one of those excepts I was
Speaking of.
I have to say
What I have to say.
Wherever you are
Celebrate you and what you are doing.
Celebrate the world around you.
Stop and listen to the wind blow the pines
The palms the dust in the wind.
Repeat your favorite song over and over and over.
Turn it up loud.
Wear flip flops to a sit down restaurant.
Write a song.
Build a boat.
Move to an Island.
Wear your hat backwards.
Fall in love.
Fall out of it.
Be as you are
And share your story

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


The time is Six minutes after the

Seventh hour

As the sun hides again.

Cars, and radios and cell phone


Cigarette smoke saturates fresh air

From up there.

The neighbors up there.

With kids and baths and

Damn do they own a trampoline?

A bowling alley?

The Harley screams its discontent with I can't drive

Whatever the speed limit is.

Blackhawk overhead not be outdone

Slicing the serenity...

TOO PEACE... is this?

This is.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fear and Not Knowing

Our lines are all crossed- Crossed one another.

I said, I said,

I am not that

I am not a Mother.

Nature or Nurture?

Nature or Nurture?

The child in me

Eternally breathes

So small.

The Old woman sees she says,

"You Cannot have it all."

She says

"You know You cannot have it all."

This is the way my story goes

Her story goes

The story goes.

This is the way the story goes

And I am still right here.

Friday, March 26, 2010


Forgive me if i've lost the notion

To regulate this emotion.

This emptiness in motion.


Like this world i can't stop spinning.

Let us go back to the beginning.

Closer now to winning.


To random acts of kindness.

Trade my calm and sense for blindness.

Let us put all of this behind us.



Who Are the Joneses?

Who are the Joneses? I asked my parents, you know, the first time I heard them say it. "And why are you thinking I am trying to keep up with them?" The Joneses was actually, in my case "The Ennises". Ron , my neighbor had gotten a new trampoline and, of course, I wanted one. What kid wouldn't? Right? It looked fun and we wanted one too, my sister Melissa and I. That simple, No psychoanalysis, no deeper purpose, not trying to, and I quote "put on heirs." Easy. Innocent, and simple. Was it supposed to be some kind of lesson? I don'y know. I didn;t care. I just wanted to jump and jump and jump.

Today it is more along the lines of keeping up with "The Hiltons". Kids throwing fits over I Phones and Ipods and Ireallydontgetit. It is outrageous the amount of chihuahuas in death facilities (dog pounds) in Los Angelas right now. Why? Because Hollywood housewifes had to run out and by a Paris Hilton dog. Guess what ? Chihuahuas do not like kids. Thats a real bite in the ass, huh? Hollywood the dictator just "screwed the pooches".

It is sad though, our kids could never appreciate what we experienced as kids. Just as we could never truly appreciate our former generations experiences. I do not care about the Joneses or The Hiltons. I want to love those who love me. I want to love those who forgot to love themselves. But most importantly, I want us to all learn to love ourselves. Then we can truly love others.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Took Off On A Journey

One day, I went looking for me, so I took off. On foot. I took a journey and I ended up right here. In a chair with a giant window in front of me and the sun shines and the kids pant. With my Girl, Tammie ann behind me somewhere. Doing what she does, so near to me. So far away. She still, is right here.
So I took off on a journey, barefooted, more than once. It's not always what it is made out to be, being bare on the feet. Yin and Yang. Sand between my toes pulls the soul closer to home than burned feet on hot pavement. If this sounds like experience speaking it is. It IS.
If there is one thing I think I know I've learned, It is that everything always sound better in theory. It is easy to have the "the whim, the idea, the brilliant plan, the road trip, the mini-vacaaaay..." wtf ever, that is the easy part. The fun part. Damn, the hard part is leaving and coming back.
Now if I dare say I am lucky enough to think there is two things I think I have learned, the other would be...THERE IS NO COMING BACK.

Practice is the best of all instructors

That was the inside of a fortune cookie. You know, one of those pieces of paper we cant wait to get to, and trade , over a bottle of wine and cups of saki. And giggle and laugh and... who really cares. Not me. And I mean that in the most positive, sweet southern grrl kind of way.